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There's nothing more satisfying and flexible than pizza. With the freedom to express yourself with any toppings, it's easy to customize a pizza to everyone's tastes. Quick, easy and delicious!



Makes 6 to 8 servings


For the dough:

3 and 1/4 cup unbleached flour (add more if needed)

1 packet dry yeast (2 and 1/4 teaspoons)

1 cup warm water (a little more if needed)

1 teaspoon sugar

2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil

1/2 teaspoon garlic powder

1 medium potato, boiled and mashed

2 teaspoons salt

For the topping:

3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil

2 cloves fresh garlic, finely chopped

1  1/2 cup canned peeled tomatoes (a 14 ounce can), chopped small 

1 can small pitted black olives, drained well

3 ounces deli ham, sliced thin

4 ounces fresh baby mozzarella balls (ciliegine), drained well and towel dried 

1 heaping cup whole milk ricotta

1/2 cup  4 cheese Italian blend shredded cheese

2 tablespoons grated Parmigiano cheese 

salt and pepper to taste

fresh basil leaves, chopped (1 tablespoon)

1 additional tablespoon EVO oil for brushing top


The pizza pan:

16 or 17 inches, lightly greased with butter

Bake in a 400F oven (middle rack) for 25 to 30 minutes or until golden



Sprinkle yeast in one cup of warm water (not hot or it will kill the yeast). Add one teaspoon of sugar and stir. Meanwhile, measure 1/2 of the flour and place in a large bowl. When the water/yeast mixture looks foamy on top, add it to flour. Mix well with your hands or fork.


Add the EVO oil and garlic powder while continuing to mix. Add rest of the flour, incorporating it little by little until it is fully absorbed.  Finally, mix in the mashed potato and salt.


Take the dough out of the bowl and place on a lightly floured surface. Knead by hand at least 15 minutes. If your dough is too wet, add a little more flour. If it is too dry, add a bit more water.


All the steps above can be done in a stand mixer using a hook attachment. Use low speed for initial mixing of ingredients and low-medium speed for kneading the dough.

Place your fresh dough in a larger bowl, lightly coated with oil, to give the dough room to double in size. Cover with plastic film first and a clean kitchen towel over that. Place in a warm and draft-free area to allow dough to rise. It should double in size in about 2 hours.


Meanwhile, in a sauté pan, place EVO oil and garlic. Sauté on low until garlic is lightly golden. Add chopped tomatoes. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Allow it to simmer until sauce thickens so that it will spread easily without run off. Add chopped basil at the very last minute to retain aroma.

In a bowl, prepare a mix with the ricotta, shredded cheese, pepper and 2 ounces of the ham, finely chopped. 

When the dough is ready, place it back on a lightly floured surface and form a ball. 

Start stretching the dough gently into a circle by placing your fingertips in the center and pushing outwards in every direction. As the circle gets bigger, you may carefully place it on the greased pizza pan.  Continue to stretch and flatten the dough and, once the dough covers the entire surface of your pan, you are ready to top it.

Begin by spreading the tomato sauce in the very center of the dough, making an 8 inch circle. Sprinkle with 1 tablespoon of grated cheese. Make a border with the olives.

Make 8 equal cuts in the dough surrounding the tomato/olive circle, starting just outside the olives and ending at the outside border of dough. You will have 8 equal sections of plain dough.

Place equal amounts of ricotta mix (about a tablespoon) on each section until all mix is used. Now, the artistic process begins! Starting with one side of each section, fold it over ricotta mix, then fold the other side, trying to achieve a triangle (see final picture for visual). Continue with all sections.

Make sure to seal the tip of the triangle well so the filling stays in. Brush each triangle lightly with olive oil.

Bake at 400F for 25 to 30 minutes until golden. Remove from oven and gently arrange the small mozzarella balls as depicting a face (one each for eyes, one for nose, and 5 for smile).  Also, arrange small pieces of ham on the inside border of the "face", near the olives.

Place back in hot oven for one or two minutes, just until mozzarella begins to soften. Take it out and sprinkle remaining 1 tablespoon of grated cheese and fresh pepper before serving.

This pizza is a favorite with kids. The fact that the dough contains mashed potato, makes it light and fluffy, which kids love. The "rays" of the sun pizza are like mini-calzones and, because it looks like the sun, it makes a great presentation at any table!


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